Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Companies can benefit greatly from using wikis or knols as they are called. The vast array of knowledge that is contained in these articles can be used for various areas in the business world. These areas are as diverse as are the articles that represent them.

Companies may allow their employees to write or contribute to wikis or knols about its entity for the sole purpose of expanding into other territories or parts of the world, in order to market their products, or possibly to explain to the public what the company’s business philosophy is all about. Companies can also use articles from Google Knol for their research and development. In the event that there are some unexplained occurrences in an experiment and some information is needed, Wikipedia could provide such information. Google Knol would be a great way to boast a new discovery of such an occurrence.

As one can see, Wikipedia and Google Knol are great applications that are beneficial to any company and can be used by anyone.


  1. I'll use Google Knol for my next research paper!

  2. I have used the wikipedia to find information about companies. It is very useful.
